Alert Discord Channels with New Form Leads

Automatically alert Discord channels to get notified on new form leads in real-time.

Even in today’s email-driven world, we all love a real-time notification in our favorite messaging app - Discord.

Discord is a real-time messaging app used by millions for discussions all over the world. You can join public servers or create your own private one, making Discord a powerful messaging tool for teams.

Discord uses ‘servers’, which are essentially just groups for organizing conversations. You can be invited to a server, or create one yourself and perform the inviting.

Inside your Discord server you can create “channels”. Channels for different topics of conversation, like leads, general and marketing to name a few ideas.

But, why is this a fantastic opportunity for form integration?

Let’s assume you’ve created a Discord server and invited your team - you’ve got real-time conversation flowing nicely. But you might still feel like something’s missing…

“Wouldn’t it be great to alert one of my channels with new business leads, to keep my whole team in the loop so I don’t need to keep forwarding everybody emails?” we hear you rhetorically ask.

And you absolutely can.

Let’s take a basic form example for this demonstration:

An example form we've connected the Discord Plugin to

As soon as someone submits your form, either through a shared link or form embed, we’ll send that result straight to your chosen Discord channel:

Example form response sent to Discord's app from Fun Forms

It’s a great way to keep your channel active, stimulate conversation, and ensure those who need to stay informed, are informed. All in one place. The responses will keep rolling into the same channel.

Discord channels are superb because you can only invite who you want to, keeping sensitive data only for authorized eyes.

The setup is simple so let’s look at the key parts to start notifying your Discord channels of form responses.

First, grab a Discord webhook URL (from your chosen channel):

Copying the new webhook URL ready to paste back in the Discord Plugin

And then just drop the URL into the Discord Plugin in your form:

Pasting and saving the new Discord URL inside the Fun Forms app

That’s it - a simple, powerful plugin that will streamline your team’s lead management, drive constant conversation and boost morale.

And as a bonus, you’ll be crowned the team’s new tech expert for such a smart move.

For full steps to setup the plugin, follow our Discord Plugin guide (it’ll take you around one minute end-to-end) and get started.

Create Forms that talk to Discord

One-click install our Discord Plugin, get real-time updates from every new form response.

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