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Long Text Field

Capture a long answer, i.e. a message, description or review.

Check Icon

Available on all plans

Use the Long Text field for longer text answers that can span multiple paragraphs and lines, for example writing a long message in a contact form, or a review.

Dragging the Long Text Field into the Editor

After adding the Long Text field and making any tweaks, you can press Live Preview or Publish to test it out:

Testing the Long Text Field in our Form

Optionally, you can add Required Smart Validation to ensure the field is always filled out:

Validation Required for the Long Text Field in our Form
Theme Icon

The Long Text field background, border and text color can be changed within your Theme settings.

Common Options

Available on most fields, including this one:


A short description of the field


An optional longer description of the field


Enforces the field to be filled in, displays an error if not

Default Value

Set a default value for the field


A helpful hint inside the field, e.g. Enter your name


Locks a field so it cannot be edited, useful when combined with Default Value

Min Length

Enforces a minimum character count for this field.

Max Length

Enforces a maximum character count for this field.

Custom Name

Every field has a unique hidden "name" that can be customized for plugin integrations