1. Arrow Left Icon Features
%!s(<nil>) Icon

Rating Field

Capture a 1-5 star rating, supports half stars.

Check Icon

Available on plans: Professional, Premier, Enterprise

Use the Rating field to allow your users to rate something, e.g. on a feedback form or survey.

The Rating field supports either half star ratings (i.e. 2.5) or full star ratings (i.e. 2 or 3).

Dragging the Rating Field into the Editor

After adding the Rating field and making any tweaks, you can press Live Preview or Publish to test it out:

Testing the Rating Field in our Form

Optionally, you can add Required Smart Validation to ensure the field is always filled out:

Validation Required for the Rating Field in our Form

Common Options

Available on most fields, including this one:


A short description of the field


An optional longer description of the field


Enforces the field to be filled in, displays an error if not

Default Value

Set a default value for the field

Custom Name

Every field has a unique hidden "name" that can be customized for plugin integrations