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Google Sheets Plugin

Send each new form response to a Google Sheet.

PluginsChevron Icon Google Sheets Plugin

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Available on plans: Professional, Premier, Enterprise

Use the Google Sheets plugin to sync new form responses straight to a Google Sheet to always backup your response data, or use for any purpose you need.

Pro Tip: Before setting up this plugin, it’s recommended to finish your form as we automatically transfer all your form field labels into your Google Sheet, aligning the data under the correct column names.

Setup the Plugin

Navigate to the Plugins tab on your selected form, choose “Google Sheets” then click the Connect to Google button to launch the authorization popup:

Connecting to the Google Sheets Plugin

This opens an authorization window where you can select an account or sign in:

Connect to Google Authentication and select your account

The following window will detail the permissions we need to access your Google Drive, create a Google Sheet, and populate it with responses:

These permissions are required by any Google Sheets integration to allow us to create and update your spreadsheet. We do not read any data or change any data other than the connected spreadsheet.

Allow the Google Sheets Plugin access to create and update the Spreadsheet in your Google Drive

Select “Allow” to continue. You will then be redirected back to the Fun Forms plugin to complete the authorization process.

🎉 Fun Fact: You can use a different Google account for each form, giving you complete flexibility on where the data gets sent.

We automatically create a Google Sheet for you and link it to your form, you’ll see a link to the Google Sheet upon successful setup:

Linked to Google Sheets Plugin demonstrates the automatically created spreadsheet and plugin options

Plugin Demo

Let’s assume you just setup the Google Sheets Plugin on this example form, take note of the field label names:

An example form we've connected the Google Sheets Plugin to

Here’s what the Google Sheet would look after you’ve connected to the plugin, with your form labels (which can be manually changed at any time in future):

Google Sheet showing the form labels populated as column titles with additional createdAt timestamp

The “createdAt” column is added automatically so you know when each response was recorded, and is set to your chosen Timezone.

Now when form responses are sent, you’ll see a new row added per response:

Google Sheet showing a form response added to the document after sending a test response

That’s it! You can contact us for help anytime.