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Slack Plugin

Notify Slack Channels or DMs with each new form response.

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Available on plans: Professional, Premier, Enterprise

Use the Slack plugin to notify a Slack channel, or a direct message, with new form responses.

Setup the Plugin

Navigate to the Plugins tab on your selected form, choose “Slack” then click the Connect to Slack button to launch the authorization popup:

Viewing the Slack Plugin inside Fun Forms

This opens an authorization window where you can select a Slack workspace, or sign in. Click your selected Channel or Direct Message target to grant the plugin permission and click “Allow”:

Authorizing and selecting a channel or direct message target inside the Slack app

You’ll be redirected back to the Slack Plugin and see the saved channel, or direct message target, in the plugin configuration.

Navigating to the 'Integrations' tab in Slack and clicking 'Create Webhook'

Plugin Demo

After setting up the Slack Plugin, it’s time to take it for a spin. Add some fields to your form if you haven’t already, and hit Submit:

An example form we've connected the Slack Plugin to

Then head back to your chosen Slack channel and a new alert will be waiting for you with the form response:

Example form response sent to Slack's app from Fun Forms

From now on, every time a user submits your form, your channel or direct message target will receive a notification.

That’s it! You can contact us for help anytime.