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Zapier Plugin

Send new form responses to thousands of apps via Zaps.

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Available on plans: Professional, Premier, Enterprise

Use the Zapier Plugin to send form responses to a Zap where you can connect to thousands of other services. Zapier Webhooks require a Premium Zapier account.

Hint: Complete your form first, then setup this plugin - so you can send test data to Zapier.

Setup the Plugin

Navigate to the Plugins tab on your selected form, choose “Zapier” then you’ll see a field to drop in your Zapier webhook URL.

Viewing the Zapier Plugin inside Fun Forms

To get a Zapier webhook URL, inside the Zapier homepage you’ll see a big “Create” button, click this and select “Zaps”:

Clicking on 'Zaps' on the Zapier homepage to create a new Zap

You’ll be taken to a new Zap board where you’ll need to select a Trigger, click on it:

Selecting a Zap Trigger inside Zapier

This then reveals a popup where you next select “Webhooks by Zapier”, click this:

Selecting 'Webhooks by Zapier'

And then select “Catch Hook” in the sidebar and press “Continue”:

Selecting 'Catch Hook' inside the Zapier app'

You’ll then be asked if you wish to pick off a “child key”. You can leave this option blank and press “Continue”.

Skipping the 'Pick off a Child Key' option in the Zapier webhook

After continuing, you’ll get a newly generated Zapier webhook URL, press “Copy”:

Copying the Zapier webhook URL to clipboard

Next, head back to the Zapier Plugin page and paste the copied Zapier Webhook URL into the Zapier plugin field, click “Save”, and you’re all set!

Pasting the Zapier webhook URL into the Zapier Plugin inside Fun Forms

Once setup, you’ll see the saved Zapier webhook URL in the plugin configuration.

Plugin Demo

After setting up the Zapier Plugin, it’s time to take it for a spin. Add some fields to your form if you haven’t already, and hit Submit:

An example form we've connected the Zapier Plugin to

Then, if you haven’t already, go back to your Zapier webhook that we just copied and you’ll see a “Test” tab and button:

Viewing the 'Test' tab inside Zapier

After clicking the “Test” button, Zapier should pull in the latest form response for you to continue creating your Zap:

Viewing the new form response that's arrived via the Zapier webhook

We send the full form response along with the createdAt timestamp (set to our Timezone), the formId and the responseId (which is unique every time).

For additional information on constructing your own Zaps, consult the Zapier Documentation.

From now on, every time a user submits your form, your Zapier webhook receives the full form response.

Then, you can connect it via Zapier’s thousands of integrations and send it wherever you need to.

That’s it! You can contact us for help anytime.